
An experiential holiday

not just sea: what to visit and what to discover in Liguria

Find activities that allow you to build connections to the location and with the people from the location you have chosen to visit. For those who are looking not just for a place to visit or for wine and food culture, but also the emotions that come from experiences that a place can offer.

Liguria, an ideal location to stay, not only to relax but also to enjoy new experiences.

Balene Santuario dei cetacei

Memorable encounters

Aquarium | Genoa | Whale Watching

A voyage of discovery into marine biodiversity or a trip into the heart of Cetacean Sanctuary.

borghi più belli d'Italia - Liguria

Places to discover

Most beautiful villages in Italy | Liguria

Between sea and mountain, take a day trip around Liguria and its fascinating and magical villages.

Fortezza del Priamar Savona

A dive into history

Priamàr Fortress | Savona

The Museum centre, home to the archaeological and city museum and to the permanent handicraft hub.

Grotte carsiche Savona

Underground wonders

Caves | Borgioverezzi | Finale Ligure | Toirano

Between Toirano, Finale Ligure Marina and Borgio Verezzi, the prehistoric beauty of the karst caves.

escursioni a spotorno - Monte Mao

A voyage in nature

Hike Hotel | Outdoor

"Spotorno, paesaggio dell’anima; cielo che a guardarlo si beve” C. Sbarbaro

prodotti tipici Liguri

Culinary excellence

Local products

Liguria is a land fragranced by sea and history, rich with unique flavours and traditions.